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2 min read
How To Win A Listing-Level Argument at the SSA
Here are 10 helpful steps to winning a listing-level argument at the SSA!

2 min read
How to Use an On-The-Record Request to Win Your Case
Here are a few tips for knowing which cases will benefit with an OTR and how to draft one.

3 min read
How to Prepare for a CDR or Appeals Council Quality Review
The SSA is increasing CDRs while the Appeals Council is picking up favorable ALJ decisions for Quality Review. Here's how to prepare to win.

2 min read
Failure to Follow Prescribed Treatment: Arguing 'Good Cause' for an SSD Case
Learn how to argue 'good cause' using SSR Ruling 18-3p in SSD cases for claimants not following prescribed treatment

2 min read
Appeal an Unfavorable Decision Based on Common Errors in SSD Law
When an Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) denies the disability claim at the hearing level, as the Social Security Disability...

2 min read
How to Use an Unsuccessful Work Attempt and Trial Work Period to Your Advantage
It’s probably happened to you before—while screening a case, you notice there is work activity after the alleged onset date. The...

2 min read
Prevent the Appeals Council From Remanding Your Fully Favorable ALJ Decision
Recently, several fully favorable ALJ decisions were vacated and remanded due to incorrect listing criteria were used in the decision. Altho

2 min read
SSD Conferences: Opportunities for Strategic Networking and Enhanced Knowledge
The 40th anniversary of the National Organization of Social Security Claimants’ Representatives (NOSSCR) conference is held in New...

3 min read
How to Strategically Use Social Security Disability Briefs
Here's a helpful review of various types of briefs and how to use them strategically to win more cases.

1 min read
Gain an Advantage at the Reconsideration Level: Helpful Strategies for SSD Representatives
Many Social Security Disability representatives in protype states are experiencing an additional level of the appeals process: the...

2 min read
Supporting Pain, Fatigue, and Depression in Social Security Disability Claims
Administrative Law Judges (ALJs) and Social Security Administration (SSA) adjudicators appreciate objective medical evidence because it...

2 min read
How to Use a Client’s Body Mass Index to Win Social Security Disability
In certain situations, the Social Security Administration’s (SSA) policies allow adjudicators to use a claimant’s body mass index (BMI)...

2 min read
How to Use Evidence from SSA’s Nonacceptable Medical Sources with New SSA Rules
Based on new rules that became effective in March 2017, it’s possible to win cases by using evidence from Social Security Administration’s (

3 min read
Gaining the Advantage: Understand the Adjudicator Mindset
Using the Disability Determination Examination can be highly effective. Often, the Disability Determination Services minimizes or entirely d

2 min read
The Transition From Working as a Social Security Disability Adjudicator to a Social Security Represe
My previous experience as a disability adjudicator involved adjudicating disability cases and writing ALJ decisions—which gave me an advanta

3 min read
Understanding How to Use the Framework of the Medical-Vocational Grid Rules to Win More Cases
It’s important to know a Social Security Disability adjudicator can find the disability claimant is disabled, even if the...

2 min read
Grandparents Can Receive Disability Benefits When Caring for Grandchildren
Learn how grandparents can receive Disability benefits when they are caring for grandchildren
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